SUD and Mental Health
Support Groups and Veteran Services
Treatment services for Substance abuse and mental health for youth and adults. We also provide prevention education and referrals to community resources; substance use assessments.
Mental Health Assessments
Substance Use Groups
Mentoring Services Addiction Concerns Sexually Maladaptive Behavioral Struggles |
Depression and Anxiety
Trauma Co-occurring Diagnoses Criminal Justice Treatment |
Youth Drop-In Services
MissionThe success of young adults affects each of us, and whether we realize it or not, it benefits communities when a young person graduates from high school, finds a job that helps them pay their rent, or gains access to effective services and supports.
Youth drop-in centers' create solutions and look beyond short-term assistance for the few and toward sustainable support for the many. It’s not just the young people or even their families who benefit. With services, young people have a much better chance of becoming happy, successful, and contributing adult members of their communities, and everyone reaps the rewards. With your support, we are empowering young people to create personal, community, and national change. |
Upcoming Projects and Services
Residential 3-9 month Program16-Bed Male/Female Home
Culturally responsive and inclusive services to include LGBTQ 2Spirit and IA as well. Services included in our Drug Treatment Program Include and are not limited to: